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Summer Reading

Summer Reading
Colette B. Cross
We are currently in the midst of a two-week reading academy.  It is so exciting to see the children immersed in the world of words.  They are making their own books as well as exploring various types of literature.  They are discovering the who, the why, the where, and the how.  They are examining plot, character and sequence.  We observed older children reading to the younger campers, and watched their faces as they listened to adventures unfold.  I watched one of our students stretched out on the couch with a pile of books beside her; she simply read each one to herself oblivious to any surrounding activities. Oh the joy of reading, what a gift to give to any child!
With all sorts of summer activities for children we should not forget the importance of providing continued exposure to the written word.
Here are some ‘summer’ tips to continue interest, keep developed skills sharp, and fuel the passion for an important lifetime skill.
·         Read to your child daily
·         Have books readily available for your child.
·         Ask questions of your child about the books you read or she reads
·         Take regular trips to your local library with your child
·         Encourage your child to keep a summer journal, if your child is too young ask her to tell you the words, you write them and let your child illustrate.
·         Allow your child to choose the books she likes; your tastes might vary but children know what they like.
·         Visit your favorite bookstore; buy a book for a birthday gift.
·         If taking a car trip:
Ø  Buy a new book.
Ø  Bring puzzle books and books-on-tape,
Ø  Play word games, or the ever-favorite license plate game
Ø  Point out traffic signs along the way and ask your child to find others.
·         Be a role model, if you look forward to that summer or daily read, your child will too.
You can always find new titles on the New York Times best-seller lists. 
Here is a link to Reading Rockets (a national multi-media literacy initiative offering resources to encourage young readers) summer reading broken down by age.
Happy reading, enjoy and feel free to share your favorites with us! 

The joy and smiles of our children strengthen our commitment to a Montessori early childhood education. Westmont, an accredited school with the American Montessori Society (AMS) and Middle States Association (MSA-CESS), stands as one of the premier Montessori schools in NJ.
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