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Spring into Math

It’s Mathematics Awareness Month, 2016!
Mathematics deals with the study of quantity, shapes and their arrangements. Children learn to recognize quantities and symbols, associate quantities to their respective symbols (numerals) and combine and manipulate them into larger or more complex concepts. Process is taught using hands-on materials and math facts come later.
The children begin their mathematical journey in the Montessori classroom even before they touch any of the math materials. Children start to build mathematical thinking in the other areas of the classroom (Sensorial, Practical Life and Culture) by using concrete materials to prepare the mind for abstract thinking.
Both Montessori and Aristotle believed that “the formation of abstract ideas is accompanied by the gradual elimination of matter.” (Standing, “Montessori: Her Life and Work”, p.165). Eventually as the child matures and begins to think more abstractly, she will rely less and less on the concrete materials, although they will continue to fill the classroom with alluring beauty.
Here are some ways you can engage in math activities at home:
1.      Counting and grouping with natural materials.
2.      Open-ended play with playdough.
3.      Math in the kitchen ideas.
4.      Hands-on Mathprintables for home.

 #Montessori #Math #Concrete to #Abstract #IloveMath

The joy and smiles of our children strengthen our commitment to a Montessori early childhood education. Westmont, an accredited school with the American Montessori Society (AMS), Middle States Association (MSA-CESS) and NJ Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS), stands as one of the premier Montessori schools in NJ.
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