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As I observe our classrooms and our students on a daily or weekly basis and see the amazing learning environments provided to them, my belief that a Montessori education will support the next generation and the expectations of them in the global world, is strengthened and reaffirmed.

It is a fact that over one hundred years ago Dr. Maria Montessori, a scientist and a doctor, came to her philosophy of education through her interactions with and observations of young children’s development. Living in uncertain times of disharmony in the world, she also understood the need to model kindness and peace. It is a fact today that brain development‐based research, coupled with the growing list of skills necessary for success in life, show that Dr. Montessori was indeed ahead of her time. It is not a fluke that her pedagogy has withstood the test of time and continues to prepare tomorrow’s leaders for the ever‐changing world. The combination of hard and soft skills built into a Montessori environment is the secret to success.

Every day I see what our students are capable of, what they are exposed to, and how their teachers interact with them. I see how they are provided opportunities to explore, question, think, discuss, make choices, collaborate, problem solve, face challenges and become motivated and independent. They are afforded the time to learn and develop academic skills in a wide range of curriculum areas. These are clear‐cut and measurable outcomes. What are of equal importance are the softer skills that develop character and interpersonal skills that are modeled and developed and vital to ongoing life success. These include conflict resolutions skills, motivation, teamwork, collaboration, problem‐solving skills, resilience, empathy, kindness, respect, responsibility and leadership.

Alone, these skill sets will not a global citizen make. Combined, however, they will allow young people to make a difference in the world and set an example for the next generation. Montessori education will continue to withstand the test of time.


The joy and smiles of our children strengthen our commitment to a Montessori early childhood education. Westmont, an accredited school with the American Montessori Society (AMS), Middle States Association (MSA-CESS) and NJ Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS), stands as one of the premier Montessori schools in NJ.
We welcome you to discover Westmont.